i live in beardstown.il and have been a out doorsman my entire life.love to fish,hunt,campout and everything else there is to out doors.
Friday, March 30, 2012
going rooning up the sangamon river
well we had rain most of yesterday.i think i'm going to drive up to chandlerville and put my boat in the sangamon river and come down.but first i have to find a willing sole to drive my truck back tp town.i know for sure i can go down river nut there is to many sandbars for me to go up river.should hit the mother load today.there is 19 miles of river bottoms to hunt from chandlerville to beardstown.gotta be carefull not to get lost there is alot of timber up there.some times i get looking down for mushroons and don't pay attention where i'm going.i have had afull good luck up there and this year the water did not go out of their banks.i'll keep you posted on todays hunt.get out there and get ya some!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
sangamon river to low to get up! mushroons are poppin
well went and tried to get up the sangamon river this morning not happening .there's about 6 inches of water not near enough for my boat.it rained all morning chance all day either hpe we get a couple of inches to raise the sangamon or i'm going to have to take the boat up to chanlersville and put in there and drift down if i can't run.i'm sure the mushroons are up in the bottoms.i will get up there one way or another.been finding a few in the hills but i'm not liking the up and down of it.my legs aren't what they used to be.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
bigheads very dangerous beware!
that's a good load of big heads.here's a few that won't knock anybody out of their boats.can't prove it but i do think i have lost a couple of freinds because of these fish.i would like to keep the population of this fish down and am doing our best.if you ever run through this breed of fish you won't forget it.they will jump up in your boat and more than likely hit you some where.they go from 2 to 50+ pounds.BEWARE!!!
channel catfish mmmmmgood!!
went up to croocked creek this morning catfish are biting very good.4 of filled this cooler up in around 4 hours.no way you could fish 2 poles 1 is enough it will keep you plenty busy. there was 76 head here and now they are getting put in the freezer.mite keep a couple out for supper tho!!!better get out there this kinda thing don't happen year round.i'd say 2 weeks and the pole and line fishing will get tougher.see ya!!!!!
catching asian carp (BIGHEAD FISHING)
here's a couple more pics of these asian carp (bigheads) as we call them.here in this bottom pic the fish are hitting our nets.we are in the back of them revving up the boat motor driving them into our nets.see how they jump in the air.it's pretty cool i will take a video some day soon.i think you'll get a big kick out it.there around 7-8 tons in the boat at the top.they have tournaments up above us in havane,il in the summer.they run their boats through them and hit with baseball bats,shoot them with bows and arrows.dip nets or what ever.
a big patch of yellow morel mushroons
we went down south of beardstown yesterday.put the boat in and just took off exploring new river bottoms have never been on this part of the river.but boy did it pay off.we picked a few grey's and walked another hour or so and bam!! hit the honey hoole.nice fresh big yellow mushroons.ended picking 9 and a 1/2 pounds.think i'll take the day off from rooning and go down river to crooked crick and catch me some catfish.i don't have any in the freezer and am getting hungry for some.get up and out the door.there's alot to do this time of the year!!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
morel mushrooms aplenty
the mushrooms are coming on good prime time.i'm just afraid they aren't going to last very long (short season).the vegitation is allready coming up and will take over in a couple of weeks.in other words i will have to look harder through the weeds and grass.i got about 3 pounds this morning but there are alot of people out there also.so in order to keeping my hot spots a secret i will lay off till this week end is over.then i will get dropped off by a reliable sorce and be fully camo'd out.beware of the ticks out there they are aplenty and we did not have a cold winter so they say the ticks that carry the lime desiese will be out there more than ever.so get some kinda of good tick repellent and wear dark clothing.this is going to the best year for mushrooming in quite afew years.so get out there and get to pickin!!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
blue guill and bass fishing
went out for couple of hours and caught a few large mouth bass and some hibrid blue guill fish.they are really turning on right now better get out there before they get off their bed.then they will just get a little harder catch.but that's just another challenge and i do love them.but i will continu to fill my freezer while it's easy.seems like they are biting on anything ya throw at them.it's a whole lot of fun let me tell you.i can't seem to get enough of it.get out there and enjoy!!
catching asian carp
i have freind of mine that catches these asian carp by the tonage.these boys catch75 thousand to 100 thousand pounds of these weekly.they dnr released these in are waterways back in the 70s.and reproduce more than rabbits.they have made it dangerous to even take a boat ride .when running your up or down the river the moror puts these fish in sa frenzy and they jump out of the water most of the time jump in your boat.i have been hit several times by these fish.they can grow up 50+ pounds.now we can go out and commercia; fish these crazy fish and maybe make dent in thier population.they are paying enough money for these fish a guy can make a good living.a young man that is.we use 34 foot plate boats to catch and haul these massive loads.maybe in a yesr or2 it may be safe to take a boat ride again.without a helmut on.lol
first batch of mushrooms
ok went out this morning and picked a few mushroons.not all the way over this flu bug yet.so i didn't walk very far.but here ya go they are coming up.it will get better every day now.i think iwill let the week end warriors have it this week end.i think i will rest up and hit it hard come monday morning.think i will have me some eggs and mushooms for breakfast.bye for now.get out doors and do something!!!!!
Friday, March 23, 2012
mushrooming and fishing
ok went out today and had a look at my early spots for rooms.nothing,but did catch 3/4 of a bucket of blue guill and crappie.still hitting good and sure it will get better the next 2 weeks.i think we need some warmer weather a front moved in this afernoon and it cooled a bunch.weatherman say's it's to be in the upper 70s in the afternoon tommorow .i think we need a few warm days to bring the mushrooms on up.but!! the fishing is plenty good so get out there and catch a few.
lilacs are blooming roons are popping
just took a walk out back and noticed the lilacs are blooming.that's it i'm outa here i'll let you know how i did later.going mushroom hunting.i think i wil check the river bottom first.that will be good flat walking.see ya!!!!!
well after a nap and a breathing treatment feeling pretty good.just went out side to check on the weather looking good sun is trying to come out.think i will grab my fishing poles and my pillow case (mushroom bag) and head on out.if there is no roons yet i shall catch a few fish for supper.but i think i will find a few mushrooms and probably a few fish also.hope i am over this flu bug been a rough few days.if you live in central or southern illinios especially southern il get out there i know there up good down south of me.got a friend that lives down there and he's finding patches allready.good luck.get outdoors and do something!!!!
well it's raining againg here in beardstown,il.kinda glad because i'm still sick with this flu bug.but i'm getting better and will be out there picking mushrooms in the morning.just gotta have one more day of rest.they should be coming on good by then.going to be in the high 70s or low 80s for next few day's.going back to bed for awhile.bye for now.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
outdoors man
no going out doors today went to the doctor yesterday.bad news i have been fighting a cold for the last couple of weeks.mistake not going sooner.started gettting pains in my chest when i coughed stabbing pains.thought i had pnumonia i know that's spelled wrong.seems to be a new sorta flu going around guess what i got it.doc claims she has not seen anything this bad as of yet.so i got a shot in the butt and got nebulizer to use for a few day's that i will be home.feeling better allready.it's raining out so i will stay in today and there's a chance for rain for the next couple of day's.still it's in the low 70s.i will be picking mushrooms this weekend here in beardstown ,ilkeep a eye out for this flu bug it's a killer.til next time.jimwhitis.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
morel mushrooms
well we went back out today to check some early mushroom spots.found about a pound or so.my eyes aren't what they used to be they are very small.but they are coming.supposed to rain the next couple of day's that will bring them for sure.been in the 80s the last 10 day's.mid 60s at night perfect weather.i'll post some pictures when we hit a patch.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
hunting morel mushrooms
this has been some kinda of weather this year.i have never in my 51 years seen a winter this mild.all though the hunting was excelent and the fishing is great rite now.been filling my buckets daily with either crappies or blue gill.the bass are comeing on strong now also.that brimgs me to think the morel mushrooning season is going to be early.i live in a river town the illinios river that is and the river has not been out of it's banks as of yet.so that means i will be walking flat ground this year.i'm getting a little old for the hills.but still would if i had to.i think i will go out first of next week and give it a try.i will keep you informed.i will also add some pics if i can.get outdoors and live.
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